A Guest may cancel a Confirmed Booking at any point up to 24 hours before the Start Date and Time by contacting M8share.
If a Host cancels a Confirmed Booking, the Guest will receive a full refund of any payments made prior to the cancellation.
If so directed by the Guest, M8share will use our reasonable efforts to find and book an alternative Storage / Parking Space that is a reasonable match to the Guest's requirements. As part of our commitment to world-class customer service, we aim to minimise last-minute cancellations as they can be expensive and stressful for the Guest. We monitor the cancellation reasons provided by Hosts and may, at our discretion, suspend or close the User accounts of Hosts that cancel Confirmed Bookings without a valid reason. Valid reasons for cancelling include, but are not limited to, instances when:
The Host has lost access to the Storage / Parking Space after a booking is confirmed;
The Storage / Parking Space has suffered damage that makes it unsuitable for use by the Guest;
The Guest is found to be in breach of the M8share Terms and Conditions;
The Host is unable to proceed with the Booking due to injury, illness or death; or
The Host is unable to proceed due to exceptional circumstances outside of their control, such as government-mandated obligations (e.g. jury duty, travel restrictions), natural disasters, etc.
Serving Notice: If the Host wishes to terminate a Monthly Rolling Booking after the Start Date, they will need to provide at least one (1) calendar month's written notice to M8share and the Guest for a parking space Booking and at least two (2) calendar months' written notice for a storage space Booking.